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August 27 (Diary) Name Fortune Telling

Cloudy and rainy for a while

At a souvenir shop where I went for a drive
I found a name fortune-telling fortune in a souvenir shop. I had some free time, so I looked for one with my real name, and lo and behold, there it was. Since I have hardly ever tried to find one, I immediately bought one. 200 yen.

I read it and found it to be quite good.
It is a book about a man of great character (with the proviso that he is not flashy), who has no trouble making money, and who will be respected.
I’m thinking of changing my pen name from Hiro Nakamura to my real name.
I am so easily influenced that it is staggering.

I am thinking  of tomorrow’s self  over the falling cicadas.

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