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February 1 (Diary) Feeling “scared” for the first time in meditation

A little warm.

I do some yoga-infused self-exercises and meditate for a long time.
This may be zazen if you say it is zazen. It doesn’t matter anymore either way, it is just a matter of naming it.

Yoga poses are merely preparatory exercises for meditation.
It seems half-hearted to take out only yoga poses and call it “hot yoga” or some other health practice.

Meditation also does not work well if any part of the body is sore or itchy.
In order to immerse oneself in meditation, it is necessary to eliminate or reduce as much interference from the body beforehand, including the five senses. For this purpose, there are yoga poses.

In the beginning, the time allocation is probably yoga postures > meditation, but it gradually becomes yoga postures < meditation.

Ultimately, they will live a meditation-only life, just like Bodhidharma and the executed gurus of the past. For them, this is the only state of being enlightened while living (my own interpretation). I can understand why they would want to do it all the time.

But the scary thing about meditation is that it is possible for consciousness to never return.
To do deeper meditation, you need the right guide or someone to guide you. That is why Zen dojo and yoga classes are so important.

Of course, I have no intention of taking meditation that seriously, nor do I want to learn from a teacher, but I am beginning to feel the danger of self-meditating, as I have been having some “scary” moments lately. So, what should I do?

What does it mean to meditate? I’m sure there are many theories and explanations, but to put it bluntly. In my case, I think I want to become a “new type. I know it’s a silly metaphor, but….

Not to use it in battle, but to be able to write good haiku, tanka, and novels (a little cool).

The sunset feels late, spring is far away 

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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