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Map (Poem)

When I have time, I look at maps

Towns I want to visit on my trip
Towns where I want to live someday
Towns I can never visit

And gently stroke them with my fingertips
As if there’s a future
As if the future is buried there

And so the town takes on a fictional reality

Whenever I need something, I open a map

A town I’ve heard of
A town you’ve heard about in the news
A town you read about in a book

And I circle the name of the town
It’s as if I lived there
As if you lived there

And the town takes back the time that has passed

And what is yet to be known
That are hidden
That I want you to know more about
Is hidden away

The map gently tells us

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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