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August 5 (Diary) Repeat

thunder, cloudy, fine, lightning
Strange weather

People are repeating the same life, aren’t they? Not reincarnation. We may be born at the same time, in the same era, many times, and live again and again.

However, we have no memory of our previous lives when we were born. How to explain that?
The key word may be “dream. We dream from the time we are small. They are real, adult dreams.

In other words, they may convey memories of a previous life. Otherwise, it would be strange to see people who have never dreamed before in their lives appear in a dream in a normal way.

But why do dreams repeat themselves? Is it like the “Myth of Schusipos” that Camus wrote about?
That was merely a description of an existential hell. A hell without purpose, without meaning.

All I can say is that one lives to reveal the truth.

Why do I exist, why do I have this consciousness? Why do I feel this way? Where do these desires come from?

It may be a huge mystery to be solved. For that reason, I think, think, think. Thinking incessantly. Until the edge of insanity. That’s all there is to it.

And then, we will put into words what we have found out. If I can’t tell the story directly, I tell it as a story. That’s what a writer does. Hmmm, it’s painful.

I had a long conversation  with Camus  in the middle of the night.

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