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July 19 (Diary) Fortune-telling


Lately, I feel like I’m drinking more and more, probably because I spend more time at home.
In my case, the most important issue in my life may be sobriety rather than finding the truth or perfecting my intellect.

A world without alcohol is just around the corner, but I can’t seem to reach it.

Today, there were quite a few adults lined up in the fortune-telling section of a department store.

I think it is a little disgraceful for an older person to rely on fortune-telling for advice on problems. I understand that you are going through a hard time, but I think it is a sign that you have lived a good life, and that you are mature enough to think and make decisions on your own.

I think it is a proof that they have lived a good life.
But when I go to a shrine, I always want to draw a omikujiji.

Cloudy sky  a depressed mood  when I look up

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