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90% of stress is relationships

It’s hot, really hot.

When I was in elementary school, just a little over 30 degrees Celsius was considered a midsummer day, but today’s weather forecast shows 38 degrees Celsius. If my elementary school self were to go back in time, she might think she had come to a different country.

By the way, the title of this article is a phrase uttered at every turn by the main character in a recent interesting drama.

When you hear it alone, it sounds like something that could be written in many business books, but what is outstanding is that he added, “There may be something very good hidden in the remaining 10 percent.

This will bring the name of the drama quickly to mind for those who watched it. Yes, it is “Born on What Day” written by Shinji Nojima.

I have always been a fan of Shinji Nojima’s works, and have watched almost all of them, in real time, since the early days of “High School Teacher.
And if I keep going, I’ll end up talking about Mr. Shinji Nojima, so I’ll come back to that later.

And this drama, this drama was a good depiction of that 10 percent.

True happiness may be found on the other side of overcoming 90%…”.

The percentage of relationship stress may change depending on a person’s environment and age. Since the protagonist of the drama who said this line is a novelist, the number may have been particularly skewed differently from that of ordinary people.

The so-called “writers” in the world probably have a similar ratio in mind. If novelists and cartoonists were not good at dealing with other people, they would not be creative in the first place.

Novelists, in particular, have a particularly difficult time. They have to deal with more than 90% stress on a daily basis, and at the same time, they have to portray people themselves.

It is difficult to get that 10 percent from existing novels and movies, and it is difficult to get that 10 percent from actual experience.

At the same time, if you can portray that 10 percent in an appealing way, I am sure that your work will be excellent and will strike a chord in people’s hearts.

At the same time, among literature, children’s literature, unlike pure literature, is a field in which one must be particularly conscious of bringing the 10 percent ratio to nearly 100 percent.

It is very difficult to live anyway. Society is stressful. I hate people. Sometimes I want to die.

But the world is full of wonderful, wonderful things. I feel that it is worthless unless readers, especially children, understand at the end of the book that “the world is full of wonderful and wonderful things, and it’s not so bad.

The world can only be seen in the midst of severe stress.

That it is a place filled with brilliance, and that sometimes it can save us more than being alone.

As a writer of children’s literature, this drama reminded me that I must never forget this.

Well, sometimes when I write novels for adults, I swing in the exact opposite direction and forget it immediately.

“On the anniversary of the kappa, I straighten my collar and type the characters.”

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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