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Watching the returning Hitler

Due to the rainy season, I have a lot of chances to stay home and
I often watch movies these days.

When I watch a movie, I watch it continuously as if I had withdrawal symptoms, but when I don’t watch it, I stop watching it altogether. What is it about movies?

Perhaps it’s because the film itself has power, and when I’m not feeling well, it pushes me over the edge.
It could also be because of the subs. It’s hard to choose when there are so many options.

It would be great if there was a movie concierge for me, who would consider my mood, physical condition, and what I want that day, and give me three or so choices.

So, following Godzilla 1.0 the other day, I watched “Hitler Returns”. There is no particular reason why I chose it; it was high on the list of recommendations on U-NEXT, and I also remembered reading an article on social networking sites that said it made people think.

As it turned out, it was quite interesting. However, I wonder how this motif could be made into a movie. I wonder if the times have changed a little. As expected, though, that symbol was not used in the play.

I’ll leave the details of the movie and its evaluation to the dedicated website, but I tried to imagine what would happen if the same motif was brought into literature. In other words, I wondered what would happen if Soseki Natsume or Ryunosuke Akutagawa returned to the real world today.

Would their works really sell today? Would they be talked about? And would Natsume Soseki’s many disciples gather at his home?
I am sure they will not sell.

Why did Hitler come back to modern Germany and gradually become accepted by the people from a laughingstock on TV?
He said something like, “I was elected because of the people’s awareness of my existence.” In other words, people’s common awareness may not change that much in a few decades or so, especially when it comes to politics.

If this is the case, why do the works of Soseki Natsume, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, and even further back, Monzaemon Chikamatsu and Bakin Takizawa, when published in the modern age, sell well or not?

It may be that this does not apply to literature as far as people’s common consciousness is concerned. Simply put, I think it is because people’s tastes have diversified.

This may be the reason why it has become difficult for people to have a common consciousness or common understanding of literature, music, and art such as painting, which all people have.
In other words, it has become difficult to generate enthusiasm.

Politics is different in this respect. As was the case in the recent Tokyo gubernatorial election, new leaders are desperately needed and are suddenly thrust into the limelight on many occasions.

A leader of distinction, a leader who can break through the stagnation of the world, in other words, a politician who can “get people fired up.

This political hunger to be “enthusiastic” is getting stronger every year, especially among young people. This political hunger to be “enthusiastic” is getting stronger every year, especially among young people.

The problem, however, is the “fervor. Will this too strong hunger, combined with the common consciousness that is still flowing, revive the returning Hitler, or will it give birth to a new style of politician?

Watching this film, I suddenly reflected more on this country than on the film itself.

“Driven away by an evening shower, I went to a tavern.”

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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