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A word at the end of the line

One of the words that has been very much on my mind recently,

It’s a routine for not dying.
It was a response given by a disgraced actor some time ago in some interview when he was asked why he surfed and snowboarded quite enthusiastically.

This one comment caught my attention.

I have no interest in celebrities or the gossip surrounding them, and I am basically free to do as I please, no matter what they do or what crimes they commit, just out of literary interest (which is a bit tricky). I’m not going to get into the details of the fuss he caused, but I thought his one comment was great.

I am not going to get into the details of the uproar he caused, but I thought it was a wonderful thing he said.

That’s what it means not to die.

I was impressed by the fact that he could say that in his own way, not in a clichéd way, but in a way that is typical of him, which makes me think that he is a very smart person.

I wondered where my consciousness was at the moment, where it was headed, and whether that direction was the right one. These are words that would not come out unless you know these things. I am not the only one who can smell the scent of a poet.

And these words are not limited to him, who was just barely trapped, but also apply to many people.

I don’t think that everyone is living with “thoughts that make you want to die,” but in their own way, they are carrying around difficult thoughts on a daily basis, and they are unconsciously doing something to try to deflect those thoughts so that they don’t get defeated by them. I try to do something.

The best way to describe it is to call it a hobby. It can be something as simple as gambling or drinking, or it can be something that falls into the category of crime for some people, or it can be something a little immoral or unethical.

If you don’t do it, you’ll die.
Will you do something illegal or immoral and choose not to die, or will you really die if you say you will die?

It is a difficult question. As for myself, I would like to wait until I have at least the feeling of “If that’s the case, then I’ll die.

People do not die easily. Some people say that if they are in trouble, they can just die in the field, but I don’t think it is that easy.

If you are in such a corner and faced with a choice between dying and living. If the only choice is to live, which will lead to causing a lot of trouble to others.

What words would be thrown to such a person? What words would you come up with? I often think about this when I write novels.

Words on the edge.
The person who can say that may be very wise and at the same time somewhat pathetic.

“On Father’s Day, I remember the father I lost.”

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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