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The Limits of Blogging, Now Which Way Should I Go?

As for reasons for writing a blog, apart from “I just want to write,” I can “organize my thoughts. I think there are many reasons to write a blog, except for “I just want to write”, “I can organize my thoughts”, “It’s a diary”, “Notes on my thoughts”, etc.
All of them, as long as they are written here, are based on the assumption that they will be read by others.

This “to be read by others” is a matter of course, but it is a very big deal. In other words, we care what people think. What will they think of me, how will they evaluate me? Even in this Note, the number of skis and followers is one of the yardsticks.

The truth is, even if you have outrageous thoughts in your mind, as soon as you become aware of what people think, a severe brake is applied. What to say and what not to say, common sense comes into play.
Of course, since I am not a famous influencer, I can probably tolerate a few rants and polemics, but I still can’t shake off the feeling that it would be bad if I wrote this. In a sense, blogging is a battle against this awareness.

Even famous influencers used to be interesting, but then they started to lose their touch, or they became boring. It is probably because of this mindset that people think that they are just preaching to the choir, or that they have become boring.

You can either write articles that are popular with everyone, attract more skins and followers, and lead to something (mainly making money), or you can write whatever you want and live with a small number of followers (maybe even zero).

I am sure that both are “possible” ways of being. However, if you don’t go either way and write niche articles that the world won’t accept, while seeking many skeptics, you will still end up with half-baked results.

In my case, when I read my past articles, I think that I have become quite decent. It’s a strange analogy, but I was a newcomer to the workforce who didn’t know what was right or wrong, but I gradually rounded out and became like a middle-aged person who only says the most inoffensive things.

However, this is neither a reflection on starting a blog nor a regret, but something that can’t be helped. This is the limit of blogging.
If this is the case, then I wonder what I should do. I still think that the things I really want to say, the words that would freeze the world in place, can only be put into the vessel of fiction.

In fiction, you are free to become a religious villain, assassinate politicians, massacre 10,000 people, cheat people, or start a revolution.

For now, that is the limit of this blog.
Which way will I go? Or should I not? In the end, it all comes down to what you want from your blog.
It is a difficult question.

See you soon!

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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