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November 20 (Diary) Once again, “Literature is the strongest

Only my world is at peace for the time being.

I spend the afternoon watching YouTube, playing Powerful Pro Baseball and Bat Ope 2 (a Gundam game). (Gundam game).

I tell myself that this is just a distraction, a distraction, but I feel like I’m wasting my time.

When I feel like I’m going to drift off into self-indulgence the next day, there is a group of sentences that I call a self-activating drink (self-named). I try to read them.

Today, it is Soseki Natsume’s turn.

I would like to see him write literature with the same fierce spirit as the revolutionaries who exchanged life and death. Otherwise, I feel as if I am a so-called “cowardly scholar of literature” who is unwilling to abandon difficult and easy dramas and is running off on a deserted path.

(Letter to Miekichi Suzuki, by Soseki Natsume) 
If the true, the good, and the beautiful that emerge from the depths of the work, in combination with its magnificence, leave an indelible mark on our future lives, and if we can go on to attain a state of reductive inspiration, the spirit of the literary artist will affect the consciousness of society as a whole through an intangible contagion, and therefore will have permanent life in the inner history of humanity and here fulfill its mission. It is here that we complete our mission. –(Written at the Tokyo Art School, April 1907, in the 40th year of Meiji)

Philosophical Basis of Literature and Art by Soseki Natsume
I always feel as if I were bowing down before Soseki Natsume, rather than being encouraged by his words, “I am a philosopher.

It affects the great consciousness of society.”

It is not money, honor, position, or fame. The value of literature and art is truly here. It is also the reason why I believe that literature is the strongest, far stronger than law or philosophy, let alone business or politics (I will write more about that in another place).

Moreover, Goethe also said (perhaps). ‘A civilization in which literature declines will perish.’

Soseki Natsume, Goethe… We must inherit the words of these too-great people and create the great consciousness of the next generation.
I must do my best,” I thought, as I managed to drink up the too-nourishing and too-bitter self-activating drink again today.

I think I’m tired of looking at the autumn leaves, haha.

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I write poetry and novels that can be read by young children. Literature is the strongest.

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