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Novelists and Labor Law

When you hear the word “labor law,” you may think it is a small and difficult legal relationship. I originally majored in sociology at university, so I was interested in “about labor” itself, and moreover, I specialized in labor law-related work for a while, so I became quite familiar with it.

At that time, I read and memorized the laws called the three labor laws and labor precedents that I needed, which were very useful not only for my novels but also for the work I did later for money.

Labor law is the law that governs the relationship between the two parties, the law on the part of the worker and the law on the part of the employer. Among them, the Labor Standards Law and the Occupational Health and Safety Law are probably the most major laws that employers, or companies, are required to follow. The term “black company” refers to a company that fails to comply with these regulations.

However, there are also laws and regulations that workers must follow. Although they are not laws, employment regulations are representative of such laws. Failure to comply with them may result in disciplinary action or dismissal. Then there are the Labor Contract Law and the Labor Relations Adjustment Law, which are designed to prevent disputes between the two parties and to resolve disputes.

Workers are inevitably in a vulnerable position. There is no such thing as a perfectly white company, where there is no power harassment, sexual harassment, industrial accidents, forced resignations, or restructuring. What I have realized through my work in labor relations is that there are no perfect companies in this world.

It is the same as saying that perfect people do not exist. Naturally, human beings have some shortcomings and problems. Sometimes, these flaws and problems can be fatal. This is why labor tribunals and trials are necessary for companies, and counseling is necessary for human beings.

In such troubles between workers and employers (companies), the problems of the company tend to be exposed. The employer’s ability lies in how it perceives and resolves these problems, and how it can use them as a good opportunity for the future of the company.

If the problems are covered up or suppressed by force, they will eventually erupt as a big problem.

It is like depression in human beings. And if the company does its best to hold you down by force, you, as a worker in a weak position, have little to do to cope.

And then the worker tends to blame himself or herself for the situation. If they had just a cursory knowledge of labor law, they could have handled the situation much differently.

No company is perfect.

Knowing this, labor law can be a great help in determining whether an unreasonable problem (power harassment, long working hours) that has befallen you stems from your own personality or if it is a problem with the company itself.

Why am I, a novelist, telling you this?
The reason I say this is because I believe that “work” is exactly what it means to “live.

And “living” is also the basic theme of novels.

From now on, I hope to write about my thoughts on “work” little by little in my notebook from time to time.

See you soon!

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